2 person washing bed sheets in a laundry and discussing how to wash bed sheets

How and Why you should Wash Your Bed Sheets ( And Make Them Really Clean) 

When it comes to bedsheets, many of us think about changing them once a week, a practice ingrained in our minds. But have you ever considered why this routine is essential? As someone who spends hours in bed every night, the accumulation of skin flakes, bodily fluids, oils, and dust is inevitable.

Not to mention the presence of dust mites and the occasional cat or dog pet hair that finds its way onto the sheets. Regularly washing your bed sheets not only rid them of this gross gunk but also extends their life. Most experts recommend having another set of sheets to change them weekly. This simple habit is important not just for hygiene but also for the overall cleanliness and comfort of your sleep space.

Why once a week?

Recommendations on washing sheets weekly are a universal advice, echoed by expert sources in Laundry care like Cheryl Mendelson (Laundry), Simply Clean’s Becky Rapinchuk, Real Simple Cleaning’s Kathleen Squires, Clean My Space’s Melissa Maker, and Cindy Harris of Laundry Hints & Tips. Despite life’s busyness, this task is often forgotten, yet dedicating time to spend cleaning sheets is a worthwhile endeavor. 

Experts suggest changing and washing sheets weekly to maintain hygiene and health benefits, combating allergens, dust mites, and bacteria that accumulate over time. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about ensuring a clean and refreshing sleep environment.

Treat stains before washing

When faced with stubborn stains on your sheet fabric, it’s crucial to act swiftly and effectively. Begin by identifying the type of stain; blood, coffee, and wine often require different treatments. For tougher stains, pre-treat the affected area using a suitable spot remover or a mixture of Dish soap and warm water. Let the solution sit for a few minutes to penetrate the fabric.

Next, if the stained area is on a removable sheet, take it off and treat it separately. Use a spray or bottle to apply the cleaner evenly, focusing on the dirty spots. For grease stains, sprinkle some OxiClean directly on the area and gently rub it in before washing.

When it’s time to wash, ensure you use the appropriate hot drying cycle for your sheet fabric. Check the manufacturer’s directions for the best results. Remember to empty the dirty-clothes hamper regularly to avoid bodily fluids from seeping into your sheets. By spot treating and pre-treating stains before the cleaning cycle, you can maintain the quality and longevity of your sheets while keeping them fresh and clean.

Wash with low temps

When it comes to Washing Bed Sheets, many people are unaware of the benefits of using low temps. Low temperature washing is not only eco-friendly but also gentle on your fabrics, preserving their quality for longer. It’s especially crucial for items like everyday sheets and those used by infants or on children’s beds, where gentle care is paramount. Laundering vigorously or subjecting them to complicated treatments can actually wear them out faster. 

Additionally, using cold water can be effective in removing tough stains like coffee while still being gentle on the fibers. Moreover, low temps are sufficient to disinfect bedding, eliminating allergens and dust mites without the need for hot water which can be harsh on fabrics. This method is especially useful for families dealing with potty-training accidents or concerned about illness, as low temps are effective in killing germs without compromising the material. Therefore, for a gentle yet effective cleaning routine, consider washing with low temps to keep your bed sheets fresh and durable.

What about bleach?

Many wonder about the effectiveness of bleaching agents in removing stains and maintaining the brightness of white sheets. Personally, I’ve experimented with various types of bleach, including oxygen bleach and color-safe bleach, to tackle tough stains like those from benzoyl peroxide in acne creams. 

Through numerous testing phases with dozens of sheet sets, I’ve crafted a guide on the best approaches for bleaching white sheets without risking discoloration or colors fading prematurely. It’s crucial to follow a meticulous laundry routine that balances cleaning power with fabric care, ensuring that your bedding remains both clean and vibrant for a cozy night’s sleep.

A note about new sheets

White vinegar can be a savior for your sensitive skin when it comes to new sheets. I learned this the hard way after experiencing contact dermatitis due to the formaldehyde used in factory finishes. Incorporating a wash cycle with a cup of white vinegar can help neutralize these harsh substances, ensuring your sheets are not only resin treatment-free but also gentle on your skin.

Wrinkle resistance and shrinkage control are crucial aspects of new sheets. Opting for fabrics that offer these finishes in controlled amounts can save you time and effort in ironing and preserving the quality of your sheets. As a parent, I understand the concern for child safety, which is why choosing sheets with wrinkle resistance can also minimize wrinkling after each wash, keeping them looking fresh and neat longer.

Avoid using fabric softeners

Fabric softeners and dryer sheets are often seen as essentials in laundry routines, promising softness and a fresh scent. However, they can leave behind residue that hampers fabric’s breathability and absorbency. I’ve found that skipping these products not only maintains the natural feel of my sheets but also prevents them from feeling overheated during warmer nights. This simple adjustment has significantly improved my sleep quality and prolonged the lifespan of my bedding.

Read Also: How to Wash a Weighted Blanket?

Always dry on low

As someone deeply invested in the art of laundry, I’ve learned that the simple act of drying your bed sheets can significantly impact their longevity. Picture this: after a gentle wash cycle, your sheets emerge fresh and clean. Now, it’s time to preserve that pristine quality. Here’s where the magic of drying comes into play. 

By opting for the lowest setting, you’re not just protecting the delicate fibers of your sheets; you’re also shielding them from potential heat damage that comes with high heat. This subtle yet crucial step can make all the difference in preventing shrinkage and ensuring that your sheets stay soft and comfortable for a longer period. So, next time you do laundry, remember: dry on low for sheets that feel like a gentle hug every night.

Why you need to wash your sheets

white bedsheet set

Skin problems, rashes, eczema, and asthma are just a few of the allergies that can arise from neglecting to wash your bed sheets regularly. These issues may seem like strange bedfellows, but they’re more joined than one might think. Even though they’re invisible to the naked eye, the cause of these array of problems often lies right in our beds. Regularly washing your sheets not only keeps them clean and fresh but also helps to eliminate the issues that can arise from neglect. So, next time you think about skipping that bedtime routine, remember the importance of a clean and healthy sleeping environment.

Dead skin:

Dead skin, often overlooked but constantly accumulating, becomes a silent yet significant presence on our bedsheets. Rolling around at night, our bodies shed discarded skin composed of keratinocytes and protein keratin. This process, driven by friction and chafe, results in the transfer of outer layer skin cells upon contact with our sheets each night.



When we talk about skin cells, we often forget about the silent occupants in our bedding: bacteria. Our sheets become a breeding ground for these microscopic organisms, feeding on our dead skin cells and thriving in the warm, moist environment created between our sheets, mattress, and pillows. Dr. Vij, a renowned expert in microbiology, highlights how these bacterial organisms find our bodies, especially our skin, to be one of the most commonly inhabited areas in our home.

Dust mites

Imagine a microscopic world bustling with activity, unseen by the naked eye yet a continent on Earth. Dust mites, these eight-legged creatures akin to tiny spiders, thrive in our living spaces, particularly in our bedding. They sustain themselves by feeding on the dead skin cells that we shed by the millions every day, turning our sheets into a feast. 

While these mites themselves don’t bite, their presence can exacerbate allergies and trigger respiratory issues, much like their bed bug counterparts. Regularly washing your bed sheets not only removes these unwanted guests but also eliminates their food source, reducing the risk of skin irritations like scabies and other unwanted health issues. Taking this simple step in your bedding care routine can significantly improve your sleep environment and overall well-being.


In conclusion, maintaining clean bed sheets isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a crucial step in ensuring a healthy and comfortable sleep environment. From combating allergens and bacteria to extending the lifespan of your bedding, regular washing and proper care play a vital role. 

By following expert advice on washing frequency, stain treatment, temperature settings, and fabric care, you can enjoy fresh, clean sheets that contribute to better sleep quality and overall well-being. Remember, a little effort in laundry care goes a long way in creating a cozy sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation.

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